Concerned about the accuracy of your data for ERIC returns?
With the deadline for ERIC (Estates Return Information Collection) approaching, how confident are you in the information you will use to make your calculations?
Many Trusts face the same uphill battle year after year to submit their ERIC data, coming up against these same issues:
- ERIC changes data parameters or requests additional information that hasn’t been included in the previous years.
- Their property portfolio has changed, but the master drawings, CAFM or other systems haven’t been updated, giving false information on the estate’s current size and use.
With “Contribution to costs” being one of the areas to change in this year’s requirements and the fact that the calculation is all based around your GIA in M², it’s imperative that you have access to accurate information on your estate.
The COVID pandemic has made this harder than ever. Many Trusts made changes to their estate to respond to the urgent care needed quickly. However, not all of the changes were recorded. This means that they are not reporting using the correct GIA, clinical/ non-clinical areas, lease areas, patient bed numbers and more.
If you have concerns about the accuracy of the information you are using, speak to us today. We can provide a range of support services to ensure your data is up to date include Cad / Occupancy audit, measured surveys, data capture surveys and much more.
Investing in updating your drawings and data ensures your ERIC returns are correct and helps reduce cost and risk across the whole of the Trust.
To find out more, or discuss how we can help you complete your ERIC submission, contact us today.