Are you aware of the new ERIC space definitions?
At Sircle we understand the uphill battle you have year after year as an NHS Trust to submit your ERIC (Estates Returns Information Collection) data, coming up against issues such as:
changes in data parameters or additional information that hasn’t been included in previous years.
your property portfolio has changed, but the master drawings, CAFM or other systems haven’t been updated, giving false information on your estate’s current size and use.
An example of a change in parameter to ERIC data is the new space definitions that all NHS Trusts should now be reporting on.
These are as follows:
ERIC data provides the Government with essential information relating to the safety, quality, running costs and activity of all NHS estates and also supports work to improve efficiency. It is therefore critical the data you provide is of the highest quality in terms of its accuracy as well as being consistent with other trusts.
Errors in data provision can not always be rectified and may have an impact on your trust, not only in terms of reputation but also funding decisions.
Sircle can provide a range of support services to ensure your data is up to date include CAD / occupancy audit, measured surveys, data capture surveys and much more.
If you have concerns about the accuracy of the information you are using, speak to us today.